Venice: not just fish!
If you are going to Venice and your goal, apart from visiting the beauties of the city, is to taste the best dishes, you should definitely read this small guide.
Let’s dispel the myth that in the Serenissima only fish is eaten … it’s so false! The dishes from the hinterland have in fact been the masters since ancient times marking the Venetian cuisine with delicacies of game and meat.
Where can you taste them? In the numerous bacari that dot the lagoon, rooms with a simple and sincere atmosphere where you can find authentic food and a large number of wines.
Here are the best inns where you can eat these specialties by spending what’s right!
The best inns in Venice: Ca’ d’Oro called Alla Vedova
One of Venice’s most famous taverns is undoubtedly the Ca’ d’Oro called Alla Vedova. The place is warm and welcoming, thanks to the presence of wooden furniture and a collection of copper pots and vintage posters hanging on the walls. The tavern, which has always been run by the members of the Di Giulio family for matriarchal descent, has a century’s history. The Ca’ d’Oro, although a place frequented by tourists, is a real meeting point for the locals: here you can taste local specialties such as folpetti, cicheti from sardines in saor and the famous housemade meatballs, while the cellar pays tribute to the vineyards of the Triveneto.
The best inns in Venice: All’arco, the king of the cicheto
To refuel yourself with some high quality snacks, you should definitely visit the bacaro All’Arco. Located near the Rialto bridge, the market and the court, it’s frequented by tourists who don’t want to give up some goodies such as the crostini with traditional spiensa, cooked spleen on bread slices, Vicenza-style codfish and other delicious dishes: pumpkin flowers, fried vegetables and sandwiches with cheese and salami. The typical cicheto finds in this place its real kingdom, the wines are in bulk and artisanal beers are pleasant for the palate.
The best inns in Venice: a tribute to the taste of Cantinone già Schiavi
A particular place that worths mentioning for the particularity of consuming the food standing is the Cantinone già Schiavi. Here the specialties of the house are represented by cotechino, sarde in saor, baccalà mantecato on croutons and bruschetta with cuttlefish cut into slices. Unforgettable the croutons of the house, prepared by Mrs. Alessandra with the use of leeks, tuna sauce, currants and walnut sauce with ricotta.
The best inns in Venice: Gislon, the real Venetian bacaro
Gislon, located between San Marco and Rialto, is a true icon in the Venetian food and wine scene. This shop is actually a kind of rotisserie, but it can be considered as the real and only bacaro of the city. It is here that you can taste practically all the traditional dishes by paying the right. At the forefront are the creamed and Vicenza-style codfish, octopus salad and mozzarella in carrozza. Eating standing is a must here!
So which of these inns do you choose? Have you tried any? Tell us about them in the comments!
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